Keba Siamese Update

Almerimar Strays is officially full right now! We have 16 cats & kittens in foster care, waiting to be re-homed, and we have 3 other urgent cases waiting to be helped, one of whom we hope to rescue on Thursday.

Since my last update post, we have managed to catch siamese Keba’s 3 remaining kittens (little black, we think boys), and after another 3 days, involving prawns, mince and smoked salmon, finally Keba herself on Monday. She is one beautiful, intelligent lady. Rescuing this little family was a big relief as I have not personally experienced so many fleas on a cat before, and we were worried about their health. All are now fairly settled, but remain nervous of people and so will need time to adjust.

SO along with Tommy, Luke, Pippa and Snoopy kittens, and baby Felix, Nicola and Erika have their hands full, and are doing a fantastic job, keeping this lot separate from each other and happy.

In addition Jean and George still have 3 beautiful kittens who are ready to travel on the next transport and already have new homes waiting, Pam has Ginger Jasper (photos to follow), and now Tracey has 2 lovely little boys (Pedro & Pablo) that we took for Jos, as they had been left in a small cage up at the dog rescue.

Tomorrow or Thursday we will be rescuing Mela, a lovely tame ginger kittens, about 9 months old and already pregnant! That leaves big Beau to sort out, the remaining cat being fed in Calle Alcor, and at least one kitten among the Nautico kids. I am very keen to get Beau off the streets as this means we will be able to close down one feeding area completely.

i was liaising as usual with Kerstin in Germany, and pointed out that we currently have 16 cats (and counting) and she replied that that was 2 more than the rescue home they work with in Almeria!

I am hoping that quite a few will be on their way to Germany in August, but if anyone else can help with fostering we would love to hear from you. This has been a particularly busy time as it is definitely kitten season!!!

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