24/07/11: News today is that (in his new Mum’s words), “This lively little cat has already won our hearts”; he has a little work to do yet to win the heart of Elfe cat, but all sounds fine.
21/07/11: The latest news of Levi is that he has moved to his latest adoptant, and we HOPE this one will work out better. Kerstin thinks this will be a lovely home for Levi and he will stay there forever! It will be great if this lovely boy can be settled at last!
06/07/11: I do now have some much better photos of Levi, taken recently by Kerstin in his foster home. He is looking very friendly and relaxed. The beautiful light ginger cat is Dino, Uschi’s own cat, adopted from Katzenherzen. He was a foster cat that she completely fell in love with, and he now helps other slightly nervous foster cats like Levi to feel at home and trust people more. Levi has become a real cuddle cat with Dino so needs a home with a cat that doesn’t mind this close contact! The latest I heard a new person was very interested in him, and his new photos are really helping.

Levi With Friend Dino

Levi With Friend Dino

Levi With Friend Dino

Levi With Friend Dino & Josephine

A Relaxed Levi

A Relaxed Levi

A Relaxed Levi

A Relaxed Levi
24/04/11: It’s time to officially meet Levi, one of the 2 Subway boys. He has been much harder to photograph, as Levi was definitely a nervous boy when rescued.
He has however been doing very well in his foster home since travelling to Germany in January, and Kerstin now describes him as a ‘normal’ cat.
Levi did leave his foster Mum briefly as he had an adoptant, but unfortunately this didn’t work out. Again as always, this was the fault of the adoptant who didn’t give him enough time and put him under unnecessary pressure. Levi was doing really well the first week, until his new Mum decided she MUST brush him. Crazy! My big boy cat refuses to be brushed even now and he is 5! Levi got understandably very stressed and his adoptant then decided not to keep him.
Now he is happy and relaxed again back with his foster Mum, while a better permanent home is found. I think the only reason he has been harder to re-home than some cats is because he was shy at the beginning, because I for one fell in love with his beautiful face, and was determined to give him a better life.
I’m hoping for some new photos of him soon. For now I only have my original ones taken not long after he was first rescued.
He IS a very handsome boy!

Handsome Levi

Handsome Levi
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In the last photograph Levi looks just like my own cat. Of course he is very handsome!
Cute cat indeed. He’s one of a kind. Having stated here that he was adopted, I say, pity on his original masters. Cats should be loved and take good care. Grooming him is the best way to extend your love for him.
Ten10 Optical
Having cats around the house can be therapeutic, contrary to what some people say. For one thing, it can relieve the pet owner some stress. Another thing is that it can immunize people from asthma. There have been some empirical studies that people who are asthmatic experience lesser and lesser incidences of asthma attacks when they have these furry creatures around.
Mikaela of SpurPress