Little Tommy Cat

16/12/11: Last weekend I visited Tommy in his new home in Germany, and he is definitely a lucky little man. His new family really love him, and are watching him closely to ensure that after all his problems, he now stays healthy. Tommy still has some pain from his gums when he eats hard food, and it is possible they will never be quite right, but he is a good weight now and looked happy and settled in his home, AND his Mum takes him to MaPu’s vet so that she can also keep a track on her previous foster boy and give advice when needed. Tommy deserves all this care, as he is such a sweetheart and brilliant with the family’s little toddler boy. The latest is that his new Mum would like to adopt a gentle little cat girlfriend for Tommy, which I think would make his world pretty complete.

21/11/11: Tommy is another lucky little cat, that benefited from the love and attention at MaPu’s foster home. In fact he was the first very sick one that I sent over to her, of course not intentionally, and may possibly have been the start of the some of the later problems. I knew that Tommy had had problem with his mouth but Matt believed the worst was behind him. This turned out to be not the case, as when Tommy arrived at MaPu’s he was struggling to eat without pain, and weighed only 2.5kg at just about a year. Even for a small cat this was far too thin, and is a lesson learned for all of us. We must check that cats are healthy weights before they travel and if not look hard for the cause.

Looking back Tommy was probably always a problem waiting to happen, as when Matt first took him, he had been found injured, starving and scavenging for food among local bars. He also had severe flu like symptoms, and gingivitis followed, as often happens in these cases. Among all the other foster cats and kittens, Matt and his vet tried to sort Tommy’s problems, but in the end what this lovely, affectionate little chap needed was the one on one care of a proper home, which MaPu gave him.

Tommy still had severe gingivitis when he arrived in Germany in July, and also parasitic infections causing diarrhoea. All of this took several months to sort, and many visits to the vet. Slowly he gained weight, and energy, and was able to interact with Wallace, Evelina and Campanilla when they later arrived. The first potential adoptant was put off by his potential health problems, but in September Tommy found a lovely family, who were happy to manage his health ongoing, and keep a watch for any re-occurence of his gingivitis.

MaPu I know was very sad to see him go as this gentle little chap had stolen her heart. But a committed foster Mum knows she cannot keep all her foster kids. Tommy at first did not want MaPu to leave him in his new home and clung to her lap, but he has since made friends with the neighbour’s male cat, and has a lovely young family to love him and play with him. Tommy has made it through, is healthy, happy, a LOT bigger! and has his forever home. A BIG thank you from Tommy and all of us in Spain to MaPu for everything she did for this lovely boy. After a very tough time, we now wish him all the health and happiness this beautiful cat deserves.

Tommy @ Matt’s

Love & Care @ MaPu’s

Love & Care @ MaPu’s

Love & Care @ MaPu’s

Love & Care @ MaPu’s

Love & Care @ MaPu’s

First Days In His New Home

First Days In His New Home

First Days In His New Home

Settled In His Forever Home

Settled In His Forever Home

Settled In His Forever Home

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