Lucie is one of our 6 more feral kittens that have travelled to new homes in Germany. I thought she was settled some months ago, so was quite surprised to receive photos this weeks of Lucie with her ‘new friend’.
He looks a very handsome fellow and Lucie seems to be very happy and relaxed, and very friendly with her new Mum. I am a little sad however that she is no longer with her friend Luc, whom she met in her foster home here, and who became her good friend.
Lucie and Luc are pictured below together in what was supposed to be their forever home. I now know that things didn’t work out for the long-term.
Apparently Lucie never got used to the family dog, whilst Luc loved him, and their new owner decided that she didn’t want to keep Lucie, but only wanted cuddle cat Luc. We have had similar situations before, where one of a pair of cats has settled and not the other. This time however their owner refused to give them both back to the German organisation, but insisted on keeping Luc.
In the end, the German girls decided that legal action wasn’t the way forward, as Luc was happy in his new home (and is definitely a people cat), and Lucie, back in her foster home, didn’t seem to be missing him too much.
This appears to have been the right decision. Within a few days another lovely lady was interested in Lucie as a friend for her rather more pedigree boy, and Lucie seems to have finally found her forever home.
I am still a little sad that Lucie and Luc weren’t able to stay together, but the most important thing is that both are happy and well. Luc was always going to find a good home more easily as he loved everybody, but for Lucie this is a really good ending and I wish her and her new friend a great life together.

Lucie & Handsome Friend

Lucie & Handsome Friend

Lucie & Handsome Friend

Lucie & Handsome Friend

Lucie & Luc

Beautiful Lucie