20/02/13: Luki and Mimi have a new friend as of the 09.02 transport! Mika is another lovely cat from SOS Pechina, and he has had a very bad time recently. I first saw him there maybe 3 months ago and he had just had his right eye removed due to injury. He was in the big pen with the other cats and seemed terrified and also completely aggressive and feral. Victor told me that Mika had been left at Pechina by his previous owner, maybe because of his injury, and was actually a lovely cuddle cat. This was not the cat I saw on that first day, but over the weeks he became less stressed and more approachable, but was still sad. I was therefore very very happy that Luki and Mimi’s Mum decided to give Mika a home, and that all is just fine now.
From the first night in his new home he wanted attention and strokes but then he would suddenly try to bite them a little. This we know was from anxiety, not helped by his impaired sight. Over the past 10 days he has relaxed and made friends with Luki. Mimi will still need a little more time to fully accept her new boyfriend, but Mika is very calm now, hardly biting at all, and he is starting to show his true ‘engaging’ fun personality. He also seems to have a real liking for coffee, often trying to put his paws into his Mum’s cup. This lovely boy has been truly rescued from a bad situation by a lovely family who were willing to love a not perfect but still beautiful cat! Thankyou! Enjoy his photos and some new ones of Luki and Mimi.
Click on the photos to see them full size and have the option to download them.

15/12/12: More lovely new photos arrived from Germany this week of this handsome pair, looking very happy and relaxed, along with Christmas greetings.
24/09/12: Luki (Lucky) and Mimi (Mandy) are now about 3 years old and have recently moved with their Mum, and her little baby, to a new home in Germany. Luki is now a VERY bog boy like his brother Lutz, who you can also find on this blog. I am more amazed however at how dark he now is. He almost doesn’t look like a siam-mix cat any more. Both look incredibly loved and contented. Good for them!
Click on the photos to see them full size and have the option to download them.
28/04/11: Luki and Mimi are now about 2 years old, and I have new photos.
They LOVE their cat tree, and I love the poster behind it with photos of this beautiful pair. It seems pretty clear that their family adore them.

Luki & Mimi

Luki & Mimi

Luki & Mimi


04/06/10: One of the best things about finding our strays homes in Germany are the great photos we get back of them looking SO happy and relaxed. Sometimes we are really lucky and the new parents continue to send photos.
These are new photos of Luki and Mimi (now Lucky and Mandy) some 8 months after they were adopted, and I think they look 2 VERY contented cats.
AND if you want to see more photos of Luki & Mimi just follow the link!





Luki & Mimi
Very contented little cats, always lovely to see!