Marley & Tilly Siam-mix Kittens

Marley and Tilly are the brother and sister of Misha, and the kids of a Spanish home cat. They have found a forever home together, and also travelled to Germany a couple of weeks ago.

I received this email from Kerstin yesterday and everything is just fine. Seems like this pair are going to be very well looked after and have a lovely life.

“Both are very well and from day to day the adventure of the apartment will be very interesting. In the middle of december both will be neutered and then they will have a check by the vet, too… Marley is not shy anymore… He likes to know all and is a very active boy like Tilly…. that is the reason why he is not so often on the photos. Both gets fresh meat for dinner and they like this more and more and they will get this more and more and dry food should be only a goodie in the future…”
->I am sure both have a very well new life

Enjoy the new photos from Germany and the earlier ones I took here; it is easy to see why this pair also found a home very quickly. They would like to give a big thank you to Tracey, Kev, Jack, Jayne, Mike and Jenny for helping to look after them while they were with us:

Tilly In Germany

Tilly In Germany

Marley & Tilly In Germany

Tilly In Germany

Marley & Tilly In Spain

Marley In Spain

Marley In Spain

Marley In Spain

Tilly In Spain

Marley In Spain

Tilly In Spain

Tilly In Spain

Tilly In Spain

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