Wednesday 13th January
Today Trixie was finally big enough to have her blood test which good news was negative. She also had 2 more vaccinations and is now almost ready to travel. Her stomach is much better but as we finally have the recommended homeopathic medicine ready, she will get extra treatment. Further good news is that in the last couple of days, Kerstin has emailed that Trixie has a definite adoptant waiting for her in a home with a 1 year old male cat friend. The future is looking good for little Trixie.
Monday 11th January
Great news today. Trixie has just weighed in at 1.3 kg, which is a gain of 300g in just 6 days. This would suggest that her problems have been largely down to parasites, as her stomach is also much less bloated. She is looking so much better and starting to feel more solid, with a nice covering of fat on her back. We are finally ready for blood tests and more vaccinations, but more importantly I am happy that she is looking healthier.
Thursday 7th January
Trixie has now been with us for nearly a month. She is a real little character, has loads of energy and loves playing with Chibi and Felix, Nicola’s 2 bigger kittens. We are a little concerned however, because she is still just under 1kg, her stomach keeps bloating when she eats, and she seems constantly hungry. She has also unfortunately lost her lovely home in Germany mentioned below, as these lovely people are now expecting a baby.
For now she is taking more anti-parasite medicine, and some homeopathic treatment has also been prescribed. I am hoping we will sort her stomach soon and she will gain more weight quickly, so that she is big enough for her blood test and more vaccinations. Being a very dark little kitten it is hard to get good photos, but enjoy the 2 most recent ones below.

Cute Little Trixie

Cute Little Trixie Playing
Wednesday 9th December
Today I met the man who rescued Trixie, literally from the jaws of a dog. I know now therefore that she IS the little kitten that Elke battled to save for several days with antibiotics and an ultra violet lamp. She is now all healed up, and seems none the worse apart from still being a little thin.
Tuesday December 1st
This is our latest little foster cat, and our first really, fluffy one!
She was found abandoned in the streets and taken to the dog sanctuary, from where we took her. Now she is playing happily with the bigger kittens and Nicola’s, and not surprisingly, someone in Germany has already fallen in love with this little cuttie:
“Trixie we have a great home… 3 other cats a very gentle dog and a house with 170 squaremetres and a BIG garden …they search for their persian cat a second persian cat because the short hairs are a good pair but without the persian… so the persian seems to be very lonely… they are very very lovely people, who have fostered injured cats before! … a dream-home I think.”
Trixie will have to wait until January to meet her new family, as she is only about 8 weeks, so not ready to travel, but things are looking VERY good for her future … lucky little girl.

Tiny Trixie

Tiny Trixie

Tiny Trixie
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