Before He Was Rescued
Kasper is now on his 3rd name! This is the first one we really like and as it is a German name, hopefully they will like it over there as well.
First we nicknamed him Monster Mog because, when he first appeared on the street, he was VERY aggressive towards our stray cats. Then we gave him a proper name of Caesar to reflect his assertive nature, but that never quite worked for us.
Since he has been rescued, he is SO sweet natured with people that another name was definitely needed, so Kasper it is as of today!
To see all the articles about our relationship with Kasper, please click on his new name in the Tag Cloud.
Now he is installed in my computer room with playout times on the terrace he really is a soppy pussycat.Just loves being stroked and played with – especially his daily brushing.He is so obviously happy to be an ‘in’ cat and this is reflected in his responsiveness.He is eating as tho food is going out of fashion, uses his litter tray and just loves company.If I didnt have 3 cats already I would be tempted to keep him.He is definitely getting a 5 star rating from John and I and we just hope that we can find a suitable home in Germany for him.I will integrate him with my cats and dog later on this week and hope this goes smoothly.