Milo – A Stunning Cat

10/04/12: I am slowly catching up on photos after my trip to the UK. Here are some beautiful ones of Milo with his new best friend. Anke wrote this to me: “And wonderful photos of daughter Denise and Milo are attached and for your homepage from Mum Ulrike. She wrote me. Denise and Milo are bosom buddies or like we say in German “one heart and one soul”. Isn’t that wonderful? and what a beautiful pair they make!!!

Milo & Forever Friend Denise

Milo & Forever Friend Denise

29/02/12: Milo travelled to Germany on the 24.02 transport but hasn’t met his new family yet. He is spending his first few days in Germany at Anke’s until his family can collect him. This gives Olivita a new cat to be angry with, but Milo is not too worried about her. He is constantly talking and demanding people and cat time. He wants lots of attention and cuddles from Anke, and her father who visited, and is trying to play with all her cats, including jumping on top of them. He IS a beautiful, friendly cat and I am sure he will calm down once he realises that he has a proper home for keeps. Anke’s plan, if he is too full-on for the older cat in his new family, is to persuade them to adopt another younger cat to be his friend. Below are some of the photos Anke has taken of a rather happy looking boy! She found him a rather bad model and he wouldn’t keep still!

Lovely, Friendly Boy

Lovely, Friendly Boy
Lovely, Friendly Boy
Lovely, Friendly Boy

Lovely, Friendly Boy

24/01/12: News today is that the new photos have worked. Milo has his home with a lovely family who were looking for a very friendly cat, who would, unlike their older cat, enjoy playing with their children. The home check last night was positive and he will be on the 24.02 transport to a new life in Germany.
18/01/12: Milo, now just over a year old, is one of a number of cats abandoned by an English woman who left them behind when she went back to the UK. Her kind neighbour has been feeding them for months in their garden. Milo until recently used to sit a lot on the windowsill of his now empty previous home wondering why he could no longer go inside and where his human Mum had gone. Now thankfully a space has come free at the PAWs cattery and he is inside and safe with his cat Mum CarrieAnn. Milo has actually been on the German home pages for weeks but finally in the last few days I have great photos of him, so that people in Germany can see how beautiful he is with his stunning eyes. Milo is a really friendly boy who loves tummy rubs and attention. He will make a wonderful family cat.

Milo In his Garden

Milo In his Garden
Milo In his Garden
Milo In his Garden
Milo In his Garden

Milo In his Garden

At The Cattery

At The Cattery

And here are some earlier photos, one of which shows what a cuddle boy Milo is:

Sweet Boy Milo

Sweet Boy Milo

Sweet Boy Milo

2 thoughts on “Milo – A Stunning Cat

  1. Pauline Wright

    WOW looks so happy and yes he is very friendly and was missing lots of attention now he has it.Beautiful boy.Paulinexx

  2. Pauline Wright

    so glad.All they need is love,he has it all now so friendly and playful.Thank you all.Paulinex

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