Very impressed with the new Pet Passport Control at Calais (Le Shuttle) as we can now drive the van into a secure garage and they inspect all the animals in the van, so reducing risk of escape, stress to the animals been ‘shuttled’ (sorry couldn’t resist) in and out, and making the whole process a lot quicker.
For those animals bing transported under the TRACES Scheme they check the passports and the TRACES document, basically that the microchip in the passport is the same as on the form, and that the form has been stamped and signed correctly. Animals travelling under the PETS Scheme they check the passports (Microchip date, Rabies Details, Worming Details (dogs only) and then they scan the animals in the van and check them against the passports.
After that they count the number of animals to make sure they are the same as the number of passports and heh presto off we go.
Another benefit (to the authorities) is that by checking the animals in the van they are ensuring that it is much harder and riskier for anyone wanted to smuggle an extra animal or six through!
New Pet Passport Control At Calais: First Impressions: Very impressed with the new Pet Passport Control at Calais…
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