01/11/11: I now have photos of Tinka and Neus in their second and we hope final home in Germany. They are looking very happy and well together! MaPu emailed: “All is fine……a great apartment with two balconys and a wonderful lovely dad. I think they had their forever home.” Great news and I am sure Montse will be very happy too that they are now settled. Enjoy the photos!
07/10/11: An update and new photos of these beautiful cats is long overdue. They did actually travel to Germany at the beginning of July, and although Pati (now called Tinka) was quite nervous and hid at first, within a short time both were happy and settled. This should have been a great ending to their story because their new Mum loves them a lot. Unfortunately it turns out that she is VERY allergic to them, so has decided sadly that she cannot keep them. I am sure however that it won’t be long before they find their permanent ‘forever’ home together.
Here are some lovely photos of 2 very contented and close cats in Germany:

Pati & Neus
12/6/11: These 2 beautiful siam-mix cats were taken in by Montse in Almeria as kittens last year. They were found at only about 3 weeks old on a building site, along with their 2 sisters Nikita and Matilda and their brother Klaus who already has an adoptant in Germany. For some days they needing bottle feeding but all 5 survived, and are lovely very expressive cats, now just over a year old.
I only sent photos through to Germany last week, but already I have great news for Montse, and Neus and Pati. This brother and sister will have a forever home together, and their Mum is a lovely lady who works with another animal shelter. I am sure she will give them all the love they deserve!!

Handsome Neus

Handsome Neus

Handsome Neus

Beautiful Pati

Beautiful Pati

Beautiful Pati