Pet Transport: Driver Logistics

Logistics are probably the number one issue with organising the pet transports for cats and dogs from Spain to Germany, Holland, Belgium and the UK. This may seem obvious as we need to organise where the cats and dogs are picked up from, where they are going, and how best to get them there.

We make life as easy as we can by using the same route and locations for our collections in Spain and drop offs in France, Germany, Holland and Belgium, although the door to door in in UK varies of course with each trip.

After 10+ years and over 625,000 miles (during which time we have delivered over 3400 cats and 2800 dogs) we have a pretty good routine and process that we stick to.

But we are now going to try one slight change!

Because we stay over in the UK for 4 nights before our return trip we have always had an added logistical issue of where the second driver stays. In an ideal world we we would have a driver that was from Almerimar and had friends or family in Stoke on Trent so they could make the whole journey with us.

This has never been the case so we have decided we will try something new for a few trips.

Jamie who has been valeting the Van in the UK for years and who has helped with deliveries in the UK in the past is going to join me on the transports. We are going to fly him to Malaga so he can do the whole of the Spain pick ups and all of the drop offs with me i.e. he will do Malaga to Stoke on Trent and all points in between.

I will then do the return journey on my own which means I can spend more time in Stoke with family if I want and/or can take more time driving back and see some friends in France and Northern Spain.

This change means that we will make one slight change to the usual schedule as well: we will leave Malaga on the Friday night rather than at 4am so we will have a little more time to rest during the transport, but will also pick up and drop off a little earlier well, whilst having more time in UK to meet Ferry’s as required.

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