One of the reasons the German people love our Spanish strays is that among them are some almost pure breed beauties. Purdey is a Russian Blue or almost a Russian Blue as she doesn’t come with a pedigree.
She is one of the Subway cats and although still a little nervous, now likes to be stroked and seems a gentle, sweet girl. Her photos are about to go up on the German web sites, and I am confident that she will find a home very quickly, AND that the extra money we will get for this beautiful girl will help to subsidise her less photogenic but equally lovely and deserving friends!
Purdey is now about 6 months old, and a gorgeous kitten like her would cost hundreds of euros in Germany, before any vet bills. Although I love all cats, and particularly black ones, I can see that Purdey the beautiful, more than most, really shouldn’t be a street cat!

Beautiful Purdey
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