The last four (4) months have been really tough with all the uncertainty over Brexit, organising our own move back to the UK, and trying to balance the need to spend time developing our life in the UK with the heavy demands and disruptions that the transports have on me, the vans, Sands and our own animals.
Having looked at the best way we can balance continuing to transport pets, while accepting the advancing years and the need to be closer to our families we have made a decision as to the future of our Scheduled Transports between the UK and EU.
With the uncertainty over Brexit (a no deal could result in blood tests and three months waits before the animal can travel, and may require UK based transporters like ourselves to get a new EU certificate and licenses) and following our move back to base ourselves in the UK we have decided that for now we are going to take a break from our Scheduled Transports between the UK and EU. We will start them again in July 2019 (subject to Brexit) with Sandra and I doing them together so that a) we are no dependent on a third party to drive and b) we get to spend time together in Spain while minimising the impact on our own pets, so we wont be doing as many per year either.
After nine (9) years of transports, 681,000 miles travelled, 6,567 cats and dogs transported we need a break to rest and recharge, but also to settle into our new life in the UK and to develop the range of UK Pet Transport Services that we want to grow over the coming years.
We will still be available for Charter Transports (Brexit permitting) where you can hire the van and drivers for a transport for you i.e. you pay a fixed amount and you are responsible for filling the van with animals (so you can team up with other rescues to get enough animals to transport), you will find more details and prices at the bottom of this page.
Needless to say we are extremely thankful to all the rescues and individuals who have used us over the years. This is not the end by any means, as we want to continue to help transport cats and dogs for many years to come, but to do that we a) need the energy and time to do it, and b) we need a business that takes into account our advancing years and the need to be away from home a lot less.