Two men were recently taking a footpath on Mount Peller, a mountain in the Italian province of Trentino, when a bear emerged from the woods and pounced on them. The bear quickly retreated, and the men were left alive, but obviously shaken. Now the local officials are launching a full scale investigation using the bear’s DNA to try to find it and then kill it! Sign the petition if you think this critically endangered bear shouldn’t be killed for acting like an animal!
The province of Trentino is spending a lot of time, money and resources to use DNA to find which bear did this. And they’ve done this before — in 2017 they killed a mother bear in Trentino who was simply protecting her cubs. There are only 80-90 bears left in this area and that’s only due to decades of conservation work. Killing even one of these bears will be devastating to the population. Please sign on to tell them to halt the execution warrant immediately!