Smokey Girl was an Almerimar street cat who travelled to Germany in December 2008 after several months in the cat rescue. I first met her near my apartment as a big kitten and thought about adopting her, but after she was seen several times playing with another kitten in a Spanish lady’s garden, we all assumed she had a home.
We only realised about a year later, when we saw her with 2 kittens and made proper enquiries that this wasn’t the case, which is when we rescued her. She was always a lovely girl but also nervous of people, we think from her time outside, and she took several weeks to settle into her new home, and trust her new family.
Now a year further on her parents have adopted a second cat, also from Almeria, to be her new friend. As you can see from these photos, he is a very handsome fellow (called Nino), and all seems very well.
Beautiful Smokey Girl
Handsome Nino
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