This is my article published in the Sol Times this week. Since I wrote the article more cats found homes in Germany, and a total of 32 travelled in the last week! AND the photo is of 2 lovely Sorbas kitten friends.
As I write this I am celebrating a great week for adoptants coming forward in Germany. Just when I had started to worry that my re-homing process was completely clogged with cats and kittens, homes have been confirmed for 11 Alstrays cats in the last 10 days, AND we have just about finalised transport plans for this week to get 22 cats to Germany.
17 of these are Almerimar foster cats, 14 of which now have their adoptants, and of the remaining 5 Mojacar cats, 3 also have permanent homes. As you read this I hope that 5 will have flown from Alicante to Munich with Cony, one of the German girls, and 17 will have enjoyed a drive through Spain with my husband Chris, and Ken Brown, followed by a drive across France and Germany with 2 more of the German girls, Martina and Kerstin.
This is a huge relief, as we have had far too many kittens in foster care at one time. We desperately need more foster homes, as putting more than 5 cats together is fraught with problems, particularly where bugs and parasites are concerned.
I therefore haven’t changed my mind about slowing down on the re-homing program for the next couple of months. I want to focus on sterilisation as I wrote last week, and on finding homes for the cats currently in foster care here and in the Mojacar PAWs cattery. I also want to make sure that, apart from exceptional cases, we are only trying to re-home tame cats. Feral ones really are better sterilised and, as long as they have a food source, released again to roam free.
Meanwhile the Subway cats project is progressing well, so look out for an update on that in next week’s article.