The monk seal known as “L11” among local wildlife conservationists was bubbly, curious, and playful. Living off the coasts of Hawaii, she was just one year old when someone targeted her for horrific cruelty. We don’t know who did this yet: all we know so far is that, one day, someone shot her in the head, killing her brutally. When she died, L11 became the latest critically endangered animal in Hawaii intentionally murdered by humans. And unfortunately, that list just keeps growing longer.
Before L11, someone attacked two additional monk seals and used blunt force to torment them to death. Several more seals have been found dead as well, and authorities suspect they may also have been the victims of foul play. In the past few years, upwards of 12 other seals have been found purposefully killed, including one pregnant mama seal who died by gunshot wound. This endangered species already needed our help. And now that humans are killing them off one-by-one, they need our help even more. Sign the petition to make sure the person or people who killed L11 in a gruesome attack are found and brought to justice!