Due to your help of saving BaasGalgo through this difficult time, we are able to continue our work of rescuing as many Galgos as we can. Veterinary bills and residences have been paid, all of this, thanks to your donations and the successful auction.
At the moment, we have more than 75 Galgos in foster homes and residences.
Unfortunately, not everything is good news. A dog with rabies arrived to Toledo from Morocco and accidentally bit several children. Therefore, the regional government has launched a special plan of containment, which collects abandoned animals which are brought to municipal dog pounds and are set in quarantine.
The animals that don´t have microchip will be killed immediately. Those with microchip, but unvaccinated, will be watched until they are certified healthy.
This plan makes dog pounds become quickly saturated of dogs in central Spain, and governments must therefore euthanize the “long-term” (1 month) animals, healthy or not, to make space for new canines.
BaasGalgo has decided to take action and rescue the healthy Galgos from the pounds. This next week we will already get several new entries: a Galga with six puppies; six adult Galgos and two five-month old puppies. We have already the first 3 images of the adult Galgos. Their names are Paco, Gaspar and Trueno.
Once more, we hope we can count on your help.
Sponsor one of our dogs for 10€ a month. Receive all the information, photographs and evolution of your sponsored dog before adoption and a certificate of sponsorship of your Galgo. You will also be included in a group of “Godfathers” on FB for more information and any question you might have. Pictures of your sponsored Galgo will be posted in the group, so you can be completely up to date with him!
The Galgos are looking forward to your help. Contact me for more information through my Facebook page The BaasGalgo Association, you won’t regret it!
More information here on FAcebook
Sponsor A Galgo With BaasGalgo Association: Due to your help of saving BaasGalgo through this difficult time, we… http://t.co/N2709GP4qB