Acer reveals ‘Pawbo’ pet accessories
Being a bit of a ‘old’ Techie we have incorporated technology into our own pets lives: the dogs all have Pod GPS + WiFi Tracker and Activity Monitor for Pets …
Being a bit of a ‘old’ Techie we have incorporated technology into our own pets lives: the dogs all have Pod GPS + WiFi Tracker and Activity Monitor for Pets …
Well according to this article over on Engadget canines understand more subtleties in speech than we thought thanks to similarities in brain regions to those of humans. Two mechanisms are …
Always interesting to see practical, and potentially useful, uses of Technology being used for the welfare of Pets, and given the high vet costs in the UK (and Sands niece …
For those that like technology and love their dogs some research recently concluded by the North Carolina State University may be of interest, especially if your dog is less than …