Over the last 2 and a half months we have had a number of kittens being fostered around Almerimar, all but one of whom came from the cat rescue home (Casa De los Gatos). This all started when Gisela who runs the home was taken suddenly ill and had to spend nearly 3 weeks in hospital.

Timmy – Now Adopted By Tracy
The first 4 kittens that I brought back to Almeriar were the ‘babies’, 4 beautiful little things, at the time only about 6 weeks old. They still needed regular feeds, having been bottle fed by Gisela from the age of 2 days, and with them came a bag of various concoctions to supplement their food and help build their immunity. First Jenny had them for over 2 weeks and then Tracy took over and, due to delays with transport to Germany, they have been a part of her family for around 2 months now, and one little Timmy is to be a permanent fixture.
During their time here we have dealt with, infections intestinal parasites, fleas, normal cat worms, and fungus but they are now clear and ready to go to Germany on Friday (Adalita and Siamo that is), where I’m sure they will find new homes quickly as they are gorgeous. Only poor little Bauchi didn’t make it. We lost him after about 3 weeks, Begona thinks due to some underlying problem he had had from birth.

Beautiful Siamo … The most Gorgeous To Me

Siamo When He first Arrived

Sister Adalita – The Pure Siamese

Poor Little Bauchi
I found the mix of genes in these kittens fascinating. I thought there was a tabby parent and a siamese parent, but apparently the very young mother who abandoned them was black and white. Gisela believes that there were maybe 2 fathers … interesting!
After the babies came Lulu and Coreena. We had christened them ‘the fungus kids’ up at the cat home, as they had been ill for a long time with very bad fungus, and Lulu in particular was tiny weighing only 800g, which for a kittens of over 4 months was serious.
Lulu is another kitten bottle fed from an early age, but Coreena is actually one of my cat Saidi’s grandkids so I am particularly fond of her, and I was SO pleased that Dawn offered to take them. After only 2 weeks of loving care, good food and the right medicine from Begona, these pathetic little things were looking like proper kittens again with all their fur back, and were loving having the run of Dawn and Nick’s house and being thoroughly spoilt. As you can see from these recent pictures they are now fit and healthy and are also off to Germany on Friday.

Cheeky Coreena

Little, Loving Baby Lulu
Next to be brought out of the cat home was Schatzi a little ginger female, who had a very badly infected wound following sterilization we think too early. She has been nursed back to health, re-named Holly, and now adopted by George and Jean. I then rescued Lucy kitten who was close to death, we thought from infection and lack of food. This was a long and ultimately sad story. We adopted Lucy who became our kitten Orla, but it turned out that she wasn’t just suffering from Gisela’s hospital absence, but had a very serious genetic heart condition, and we only had our little angel for 2 months. I will write about her again.
Our final Almerimar kitten didn’t come from the rescue home, but was found abandoned in a rental property. I christened her Kiri after the opera singer as she ‘sang’ SO loud. She is now fit and healthy again thanks to Olivia’s Mum Annie, and should be off to Germany on a flight to Munich with Roya next week.

Gorgeous Kiri
Thank you to all the foster parents who have looked after these lovely little things so well and grown so fond of them. We wish all our Almerimar kittens happy lives and you can be sure that I will be following their progress closely, and getting updates and new photos from Germany.
AND in 2009 there will be another lot of Almerimar kittens, foster parents willing, this time actually born in Almerimar itself!
Excellent post …… good to see so many cats going to Germany. When you see them al written about together it makes you realise what a great team effort you guys areputtiung into this and how well Germany are doing finding homes for them all!
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