The dogs were left on a balcony until they died

Two Dogs Died on a Balcony in the Blistering Texas Heat

The American South has reached dangerously high temperatures this summer, and pets are paying the consequences. This July, two sweet French Bulldogs tragically died after being left out on a balcony on a 93-degree-day in Houston. A third dog was emaciated, but luckily, was rescued and is recovering. The city of Houston can — and must — take action to prevent any more needless deaths of pets during these heat waves!

Sign now to demand Houston City Council and Mayor Sylerster Turner create an action plan to protect local pets from the dangers of Texas heat!

It is time Texas cities like Houston prepare for this reality and create action plans to protect pets from the dangers of sweltering temperatures. Through careful and intentional policy, municipalities can both better educate the public on the dangers posed to pets by heat and develop a plan to respond quickly to pets in distress. By creating an action plan, Houston’s mayor and City Council can show that they are committed to the well-being of local pets!

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