As pet owners, we place immeasurable trust in our veterinarians. But Prentiss Madden’s clients had that trust violently and sickeningly betrayed. The Florida-based vet has been arrested and charged with sexually abusing animals in his care and creating beastiality porn for distributions, as well as sharing child pornography. These acts are horrifying regardless of his profession, but as a veterinarian, he should be a model of kindness and compassion toward pets — instead of a menacing perpetrator, harming voiceless animals.
Animals and children are innocent and rather defenseless beings and for that reason, they often become targets for predators. It’s also why we need to work extra hard to protect them. As Madden shows, sexual predators don’t always stick to a certain kind of victim. People who abuse animals, particularly in a sexual way, are more likely to be abusive towards humans, and often in increasingly more violent ways. We cannot allow anyone with these horrifying predilections to act on it. Sign the petition to demand all the people who requested, viewed, and/or shared these horrible videos are found and investigated thoroughly.