Tinkerbell Has A Home

Tinkerbell In Casa De Los Gatos

I’m really pleased for Tinkerbell, as although she became affectionately known over the summer as the ‘bitch’ of Casa De Los Gatos, she is actually a very sweet cat, with humans anyway!

Tinkerbell acquired her name from Jenny, whose garden she turned up in at the start of the year, abandoned and as it turned out pregnant. At the time she was wearing a collar with a bell … hence the name. Jenny has her own cat Sita, but also kindly feeds a bunch of strays in her garden, and Tinkerbell would have been welcome to join the tribe of outdoor cats permanently. However this was not enough for her; Tinkerbell wanted to be an inside cat, probably because that was what she was used to, AND she wanted to be the only cat. Not only did she start attacking the stray kittens, but she also tried to see off Sita, at which point she definitely outstayed her welcome.

It was therefore off to the cat rescue home for poor Tinkerbell to await re-homing. Imagine her horror at finding herself now having to share with 50+ cats. We watched her change from a friendly, playful cat to the bitch of the Casa fighting with everybody, and whilst she brought it on herself, it was a little sad to see her rather unhappy, and we were all hoping for a good outcome and soon.

Gisela at the Casa christened her the ‘queen’, as she had also identified that Tinkerbell wanted to be a ‘one and only’, and this information was relayed on to Germany.

Well after a few rocky months, life is now sweet for Tinkerbell. She also went to Germany on November 7th, and her foster parent has fallen for her charms and decided to keep her. This is not a surprise as she is really a very sweet cat, as long as you aren’t a cat yourself that is! Good for Tinkerbell. Now she has her own loving home which is all she ever wanted, and we are all relieved that she is happy at last.

Thank you to Jenny Tinkerbell’s sponsor.

3 thoughts on “Tinkerbell Has A Home

  1. Chris

    She certainly was a character, and as you say remarkably friendly.

    Again great to see that she has found a home with a loving family!!!

  2. Jenny

    ‘Tinkerbell has a home’

    What a wonderfully happy ending for dear old Tinks, as we used to call her after discarding that annoying bell! Just great that she is another lucky homeless stray who has landed on her feet. We are so pleased, grateful and somewhat relieved as well! Super to know that she has used that irrestible charm to acquire a new home so quickly.

    A big thankyou is due to Sandra – for without her dedication, determination and positive approach to the stray problem there would be many unhappy abandoned strays still wandering the streets. It is indeed heart-warming to read all these success stories.

  3. Pingback: Tinkerbell Now Princess Lilli | AlmerimarLife Strays

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