Tommy – Lovely Old Boy


Tommy In His Cool Place

Just been to see lovely old Tommy, our character cat in his foster home.

He’s not too sure about strange people, so when the doorbell goes he sets off up the stairs to his hiding place. Once however he realised it was me, he came down for a good stroke, and was padding away like a baby. He is completely lovable, and I am so glad that we rescued him. He is our FIV positive cat, but we are sticking with him, and Kerstin is sure that they will find him a good home. It just needs a little more time and the right person.

The good news is that all the patches in his fur have gone, and he has lost 1kg eating dry light food, and is now a very good looking 5.5kg.

As you can see, he is very settled and happy with Nicola. I always love these sleeping photos, as they show a contented, relaxed cat.


At Peace With His Little World


At Peace With His Little World

To see all my posts about Tommy, please click on his name in the Tag Cloud.

7 thoughts on “Tommy – Lovely Old Boy

  1. Chris

    Great photos, love the way they sleep on their backs like that!

  2. Pam Roberts

    I have fed and watered this lovely cat for a couple of years whilst he ws ‘on the rocks’ he was quite battle scarred on numerous occasions but the magic antibiotic powder worked wonders all the time.I cannot believe what a magnificent animal he is now – shiny coat, wanting love and affection all the time and so sleek and fit – it is amazing what Nicola has achieved in such a short time – this cat deserves a good home as he is so lovable and I am so glad that Sandra insisted that we saved him.He deserves a good kind home in his last years.

  3. Mary

    Now that is an interesting use of the sink! Proximity to water, maybe a throw back to his time on the rocks?

  4. Sands Post author

    Maybe. Apparently he also likes to join Nicola in the shower if the water isn’t too hot!!! Such a character. I’m taking video this weekend of him loving being loved. We are trying to give Martina everything we can so that prospective adoptees can see how beautiful he is!

  5. Mary

    Rosie ALWAYS accompanies me for a shower but has no intention of coming in – she knows the bathroom window will be open and she can go on pigeon watch! Mind you, if I am a bit delayed in cleaning her litter tray she lets me know by using the shower tray!

  6. Sands Post author

    Nicola tells me that Tommy and the kittens have similar methods of indicating that their litter trays need cleaning!!!

  7. Pingback: A Home For Tommy | AlmerimarLife Strays

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