27/10/11: Christina in Germany has checked up on our 3 girls, and this is the latest news: “I just called Mrs. Neff and asked how the three ladies are doing. I think she has already fallen in love with these three. She told me that all of them are very trusting. When she comes into their room they coming loudly meowing and purring. They love to be stroked and cuddled. She already noticed that one of the smaller ones is closer to Marble than the twins to each other. But most of the time all three are laying and sleeping together. She will have a closer look the next few days. They have a big appetite and clearly show what they like to eat and what they don’t like.” I think they have definitely fallen on their paws!!!
25/10/11: Today I have fantastic news of our 3 ladies. Life is definitely looking up! This email has just come from Christina in Germany: “First of all I want to tell you that these three have a wonderful foster home. Ms. Neff does have a big house and the whole cellar has been built round for the cats (I thinks between 35-40 qm2). The cellar has lots of windows around for enough daylight. And all over cat trees, beds and toys. I think the three like this place a lot. They came out of their transport boxes immediately. They had some food and went to the toilet. Pooh is the coolest one I think. She came to us, cuddled and purred for around 15 minutes with me, Mrs Neff and my mother (she was with me to pick up the cats). Then she started to look for a sleeping place which she found very fast. In the cellar are a lot of crawl spaces which she seems to like a lot. There she lay down on a pillow and started to groom herself. The other two ladies (Tink and Marble) were a bit more reserved. But when I came closer they also liked to be stroked and touched.”
All sounds great, and Mrs Neff has a lot of contacts and is going to help find homes for the girls. She will be watching them over the next days to see who is now closest to who, and decide what is best for them.
22/10/11: Today is a great day for Pooh, Tinks and Marble, OR should I say that from Monday will be? They are currently traveling to Germany, but after over 3 months in cattery pens they are off to a foster home. In fact they are off to a cat hotel! The owner broke her arm recently and has not yet re-opened so she will have lots of time and space for these 3. AND they can thank their old friend Domino for this turn of events. It is his new Mum who has found their foster home. We will be watching them closely over the coming weeks, as it seems the sisters Pooh and Tinks are less close in recent weeks, and Pooh has been sleeping with Marble at the cattery. For now I am just very relieved that they are on their way to a better life. Thankyou to Domino and Christina!
04/10/11: These 3 cats are now at risk again, and I am desperately trying to find a place for them. They must leave the cattery they are currently in by Friday at the latest! I was hoping that they would have travelled to Germany by now but no home or foster place has been found. Here in Spain there are so many cats needing help that we are currently having to get through each week as it comes, which is stressful and not great for us or the cats. Marble, Pooh and Tinks have been shut in one room or cattery pen for over 2 months now and I can see no easy solution. The only up side is that I have managed to keep them safe so far which is definitely better than if they had just been abandoned when their family relocated back the UK.
09/09/11: Domino (featured in my last post) his sister Marble and 2 slightly younger sisters, Pooh and Tinks are the 4 cats that I am re-homing for an English family who have returned to the UK. Unfortunately, due to the short notice and booked flights, I have not been able to find foster homes for all of them in time. Domino got onto the last transport to Germany, but the other 3 are currently sharing a cattery pen, which is not ideal as Marble in particular likes to be outside. They are on my urgent list to travel on the next transport, but adoptants or foster homes are needed before they can go, and Pooh and Tinks are close so need to be re-homed together. For now the important thing is that they are safe and ready to go. We have at least achieved that.
