Latest Spanish Vet Advice Regards Post Brexit Pet Transport

Further to the recent post regarding pet transport information from a UK vet in the event of a no deal Brexit, there is now some advice being sent to vets in Spain, which is basically the same, but a little more specific ….

Vet showed me the information they have received at the moment: all animals going into the EU After 29th March 2019, before they travel must first have a rabies blood test (results take around two weeks to come back) and if the results are under 0.5mg the animals must have another rabies vaccination, return for another blood test within 30 days, if this is OK you must then wait three months before you can transport your animals, if the first blood test is OK you can take your animals straight away.

2 thoughts on “Latest Spanish Vet Advice Regards Post Brexit Pet Transport

  1. Robin McCormack

    This is crazy in England we do not have rabies if anything it should be coming into England that any further tests should be required, and if an animal has had their rabies injection in the U.K. that should be good enough, this is money making only.

  2. Chris Marshall Post author

    The tests and checks are for entering the UK, there are no checks when entering the EU so the UK vets are advising people that want to travel to EU and then back to UK

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