Moving can be a highly stressful experience for your cat, but it can also be an awful experience for their owners too if careful thought and planning hasn’t gone into the process. Hyperactivity and motion sickness can be real problems that can ruin the interior of your car as well as your relationship with your kitty. Whether you’re travelling in a second hand Audi or a brand new Mercedes, you’ll want to ensure that the experience is as smooth and hiccup-free as possible.
The first thing you’ll want to determine is how your cat feels about being in a carrier. For some cats it’s the only way they’ll feel safe travelling, but for others it’s a claustrophobic nightmare that can lead to travel sickness. Take some short test trips with your kitty prior to the journey to see how they react to the carrier. If they don’t like the carrier you may want to invest in a seat-belt harness that will clip onto your car’s seatbelts. This will keep your cat still while the car’s in motion.
You might not have taken your cat out on many car trips before, in which case it’s a good idea to get them used to the experience of riding in a car as well as the noises they’re likely to hear. Get your cat used to your car ahead of time by sitting in it with them and running the motor a few times a week. Once your cat is comfortable take a short journey in the car to get them used to the experience and keep this up until your cat is relaxed.
If your cat gets routinely carsick you should look into the different types of nausea medicine available on the market. Some stronger medicines may be available through your veterinarian, so don’t be afraid to ask if none of the store bought remedies are effective. Once you’ve found that works, give it to your cat well before it’s time to leave so it has time to take effect and do not give it to them mixed with food. You should avoid giving your kitty food or water four hours before travelling as this will encourage sickness.
If your cat has a tendency to become extremely hyperactive the moment the wheels are in motion, give the cat a mild sedative. Again, these should be available at all good pet stores but your vet may be able to help you find the right one for you. Give this to your cat a short while before travelling to let it kick in.
By bearing all of this in mind and planning ahead you and your kitty are sure to have a hassle free trip.