- @chirpycat Me too, but sometimes things just don’t work out first time in reply to chirpycat #
- Oscar Baby: “I’m not so sure about this Whiskers fish stuff any more. Pate please!” #
- Saidi Babe: “I’m very snuggled with Daddy in end. It’s a little early for me to get up today!” #
- Check out VERY Contented Kitten: http://tinyurl.com/ceo2mj #
- just been invited into Saidi’s den for strokes #
- @feline9 Great here … lots of sunshine and my 3 cats are great in reply to feline9 #
- @feline9 I am fine thanks. Planned restful Sun didn’t work though as had to move a foster cat. No papers for me yesterday! in reply to feline9 #
- @aplacetobark That’s good news. Sounds like you doing a great job in reply to aplacetobark #
- Off up on the roof with cats for chill-out afternoon. Well deserved I think! #
- @janeslee No No the idea is to turn slightly brown!!! in reply to janeslee #
- Saidi Chick: “OK parents … give up on the sunbathing. The wind is too cold. I’m off inside and I’ve got a fur coat!” #
- @BunnyJeanCook That’s very kind of you! Thanks from Mori, Saidi & Oscar and all our Almerimar strays in reply to BunnyJeanCook #
- Oscar Baby: “I think I will take a ride in the lift Mummy. What do you think?” #
- Off to help at cat rescue and to visit our FIV positive TomCat. Trying to find him a home! #
- Still trying to help Tommy the TomCat with FIV. May have found him a foster home. He is a gorgeous boy! #
- Yippee!!! Tommy the FIV positive TomCat now has a foster home. Things are looking up for him. #
- Saidi Babe: “Ok Mummy I WILL play the feather game for a bit, but I’m really not feeling that energetic after my sunbathing” #
- Saidi Babe chilling in early sun on roof, Oscar mooching and big Mori yelling to go up the corridor! #
- Ok how about you? Getting ready for Chris parents arrive for 1 week. Found foster home for FIV +ve cat so happy he ok #
- Baby Oscar: “Cool futon to sleep on. this isn’t normally a bed!” #
- Big Mori: “Mummy has just come back smelling VERY interesting again! I think I’d like to meet some of these cats she plays with” #
- Suddenly got quite a bit hotter here. Summer …. yippeee … time for shorts!!! #
- Hot night. We have parents visiting so Chris and I are on the smaller futon with out 3 cats!!! #
- Saidi Babe: “Another lovely brush Mummy. A girl doesn’t need all that loose fur in this heat!” #
- Saidi Babe: “Come and visit me in my shed any time. It is kind of outside but cool.” #
- Yippeee … we seems to have a foster home in Germany for Mimi and Monty strays for the end of June. Now we MUST catch Mimi soon #
- 2 more cats on their way to better lives in Germany. Safe journey Cookie and Mina x #
- Mori: “i’m liking the litter tray with old fashioned messy litter much better than those trendy crystals. Good for windy cold days” #
- @janeslee Aah Trendy crystals last up to 4 weeks for1 cat and absorb all mositure. they turn yellow! in reply to janeslee #
- Monty & Mimi: “Thanks for the scrummy entrecote steak. We are quite lucky strays” #
- We are playing, having brushes and strokes and waiting for our Sunday prawns … that’s the cats anyway. I’m off for papers soon! #
- Just heard from Cony that Mina and Cookie along with all the other dogs and cats have arrived safely in Germany #
- Saidi Babe: “I definitely don’t like visitors. Too many people in the house make me nervous. I am hiding mostly until they gone!” #
- Off to feed the little buddies in the street #
- Big Mori: ” Not sure why but I needing lots of loving today. Can’t be the big mature one all the time!” #