You will hopefully have read Hollie’s news regards moving to the UK so I wanted to provide some information on what it will mean for our Scheduled Pet Transport Services.
Basically not much!
Currently we start in Spain, travel up through France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and into the UK. We then spend 3 or 4 days in the UK before coming back to Spain via France.
Once we are based in the UK the transports will start in the UK and will come to Spain via Belgium, Holland, Germany and France and I will then spend 3 or 4 days in the apartment in Spain.
We will then return to the UK ‘as normal’ so leave Spain, drive through France, Germany, Holland and Belgium into the UK using the same locations, route and schedule as we always use.
In essence we are just doing them the ‘other way round’.
The dates, routes and schedule for the transport from Spain to Germany, Holland and Belgium, and from Spain to the UK will remain the same, so nothing at all changes.
The dates for the transport from UK to Spain via Belgium, Holland, Germany and France will be brought forward, and as we will have more time we will be looking to develop this side of the pet transport business i.e. transport more pets and re-homed cats and dogs to Belgium, Holland, Germany, France, Spain and Portugal.
We will adjust the relevant dates and booking forms, so you don’t have to do anything different, just check the schedule page and use the booking form as per usual.
And finally ….. you may have noticed a new section at the top of the page called UK. This reflects an extension of our Pet Transport Service in the UK to provide internal (UK) transports, a shuttle service from Calais to UK for transports needing to bring in more than 20 animals, and a mobile valeting service for transport companies that require a professional deep clean, disinfect and valet before their return journey. These are available now on a limited basis, but we will be expanding once we are based back in the UK.
If you are interested you can read more about the reasons for the move on Chris’s personal blog.
Update: 13th October 2018 – still in the STC (Subject To Contract) stage so we have no moving date, but is no rush as our plan is to move over the second week of March 2019 if we can.
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Pingback: Pet Transport: Future (Slight) Changes
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