Barney’s Open Day

Our next Fundraising Event is an Open Day to be held at Violet & Terry’s, Canada del Trigo on 14th September, commencing at 12 noon. We are looking for volunteers …

Barneys Meeting

We have planned a meeting to discuss the following: 1, The Opening of our Charity Shop on 2nd September 2. The viability of continuing with the Car Boot Sales

Barney’s Car Boot Sales

Please note the revised times and dates for the Barney’s Car Boot Sales at the Manor House, Paredon. Sellers from 1000hrs, Buyers from 1100hrs and will finish at Approx. 1400hrs. …

Missing Pig

Received this email from a Lynn Nicholson We have a pet pig that has gone missing from our garden, he has managed to escape his run in the night and …