Gifting a Pet This Christmas? Discover Why This May Not Be the Best Idea

Roughly 80 million households in Europe own at least one pet – with 21% possessing a dog and 24% with at least one cat. Europe has a love for animals which make them tempting gifts for family or friends this Christmas. Unfortunately, giving animals as presents during the holiday season is not such a great idea. While the intentions are good, adoption and rehoming pets might be better and sustainable options.

Ownership is a Responsibility and Commitment

Pet ownership is something that should not be taken lightly. It is a responsibility and a commitment to care for an animal. If you’re going to give a dog, cat or any other creature, you’re imposing the task of caring for that animal which the recipient may not be ready to undertake or is not capable of doing.

Animals may even become burdensome in a household and might be sources of argument if there is no one who can spare time to feed, play or bring a pet to the vet’s. Pets require time and money. If their needs are not met, giving them up for adoption or leaving them at a shelter might be the only alternatives. Unlike gifts that you can return to the store for exchange, credit or refunds, pets end up in shelters where their futures are uncertain or at worst, abandoned in streets.

Adopting a Pet or Rehoming an Animal

The European Union estimates that there are 100 million companion animals that are abandoned in the streets of Europe. These creatures live on the streets unless animal shelters rescue them. Life on the street is brutal and this takes a toll on their health and welfare.

Rescue organisations run on donated funds and these are often limited stretching their capacities to absorb abandoned or neglected animals. There are several ways to support animals such as adoption and rehoming. Instead of purchasing a pet from a shop, get a donation gift card that can pay for food, treats, vaccination, spaying/neutering or microchipping. Gift certificates can also cover adoption fees should the receiver decide when they are ready to give a home to an animal. You can also offer a pet rehoming gift to friends & family and help an animal find a permanent home.

Giving pets as Christmas gifts is not the best idea especially if the recipients are not ready to embrace the responsibility and costs of pet care. Gift cards or donations for adoption and rehoming are realistic alternatives that not only help in finding good homes for pets in shelters but also enhance the capacity of organisations/societies to improve animal welfare.

Notes: Content provided with thanks by Cassidy Halewood, Photo from

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