News From Germany

News from Germany over the past week is great:

MOST important is that big Tommy is getting on fine with his housemate Socks, so we are now very hopeful that his ‘trial’/foster home will turn into a permanent one. This is very important as Tommy, being FIV positive, can only really live with other FIV positive cats to rule out ANY risk. FIV (similar to the human HIV) is not contagious, but could be transferred if Tommy bit another cat. Of course knowing Tommy, this is incredibly unlikely, but there is always the risk that another cat may bite him prompting a response. Anyway, all is looking good for the future for Tommy right now.

Ginger Jasper is also settled in his foster home. Cony reports that his foster parents are ‘very, very fond of him’, so I am hopeful there; maybe there is a chance that they will decide to keep him.

I also have photos of Pippa looking happy in her foster home, and she has another Spanish boyfriend, Leo, who travelled on the transport last week, to keep her company.

AND the news of Snoopy and Luke, is that the older cat in their ‘trial’ home is coming around to liking them, which means it is looking more promising. Melanie, their foster Mum, would like to keep them if Murphy her old boy is ok with it.

AND FINALLY news of Gizmo the ‘devil’, black siamese is that he has settled well, has a new mother figure in his home, AND a new baby kitten (Gremlin) as playmate! This is all quite amazing, as this little panther boy was REALLY feral. However his new mum loves him, and will give him all the time he needs, and as she said to Kerstin, when she agreed to give him a home, it was a little devil that she was after, and not a snuggle cat! She has now completed the contract and he has a permanent home.

It is always particularly rewarding to me to manage to re-home, the more difficult cats, either because they are more nervous or because like Tommy, they have health issues. It is great to know that there are so many lovely people out there who really love animals, and who will accept into their homes the slightly more difficult, but to me, equally lovely, ones.

2 thoughts on “News From Germany

  1. Sands Post author

    Looking better each day for Tommy. I have just received some lovely photos of him sharing the sofa with his new friend Socks. They will be on the blog tomorrow!

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